30 October 2015

The "About Me" Box

I really despise the "About Me" section. Anywhere. EVERYTHING sounds cliche in 300 words of less. I'm 46, I've had a very BUSY life. What the hell am I supposed to say that conveys anything substantial? 

I make keyword notes from the heart, which are obviously in that moment what is foremost as "what I'm about" (read "mood del momento").  I review it, as objectively as possible. It makes ME eyeroll, and my own head provides commentary. 
"Go deeper, you sound cliche." 
"Go more superficial, you sound too deep." 
"Keep it simple." Hey! I like that!  "...but not too simple, or you look like you're trying to be too deep, like a living haiku." DAMMIT. 

The ability to self-reflect is our advantage over "the beasts." But I KNOW my dog didn't struggle with how others would perceive her in the About Me section, she just wanted to go for a walk, again.

I'm just WEIRD. I'm not dissing myself when I say that, I mean unique. If I met me, I'd be like, "OMG, we need to know each other, you're AWESOME!" 

Areas of interest and/or knowledge:

Personal development
Mensa intelligence / Precocity
Addiction education
The 12 Steps
"Recovery" from stuff, like codependency, physical & sexual abuse, food obsession, "relationship addiction"
The Matrix - red pill
Incredible customer service
Best practices in business
Process Improvement / 6 Sigma-type analysis 
Professional organization, sorting
Quantum physics and the application on the true power we possess (Jedi)
Helping others
Animal rescue
The art of seduction
Goats ... I'm crazy about goats (tag me on their cute videos, please)
Energy healing
Whole-istic wellness, essential oils, homeopathy, the healing properties of food
Humane treatment of animals
Humane treatment of people
Nutrition / label-reading
Type 1 Diabetes management
Mind/body connection
Cooking: Extremely healthy cooking while making it taste amazing
The Language of All Things Good: A personal 25-year study of the similarities religions, ancient wisdom teachings, science, "new-age" approach, therapeutic models, self-help and philosophy all say the SAME THINGS in different words / "languages" ... (REALLY, SAME MESSAGE, FOLKS) 
Numerology, yes I actually know how to work it at a deep level
The power of prayer/positive thinking/belief, as actually instructed to use it by our greatest teachers like Jesus
Applied Kinesiology (muscle testing)
Passionate Parenthood - WAKE UP, what we do with/to/around them is DEVELOPING HUMANS that will impact generations for better or worse!
Quantum Physics
Weather ... I'm kind of obsessed with weather.
Law of Attraction
Financial wealth principles
Sink holes ... I'm kind of obsessed with those too.
Communication / Conflict Resolution
Travel - EVERY aspect of it, I research it in great depth - packing, locations, best experiences, tips for ease, tips for flight deals, ...
Photography, both SLR skills & professional editing
Stock photography guidelines & sales
Mimicking voices, accents & noises
Exploring interesting non-chain restaurants and shops around the world
Women gracefully supporting each other
Shopping at Trader Joe's
Blaming all mysterious injuries on Alien Abduction (it makes me laugh)
World music
Shoes with ankle straps
Any kind of dancing, I LOVE dancing
Bargain shopping, for the thrill of paying or obtaining "not retail"
Playing board games
Walking/Hiking in interesting or pretty places

Contemplating Writing

Contemplating writing. I have bumped into a few of my writings lately cleaning out files. I read it with my usual feeling I get of, "I WROTE this??"  All my life, when writing, stuff comes out that I have no recollection of. I work the words until they match the images in my mind, and then it's "perfect" and I'm done. I guess like how composers get the music down on paper? (Disclaimer: I don't compose music. AT ALL).

Blogs are many things. There's a lot of "advice" about them from "experts." But advice can only be given with the end in mind. Profit? Recognition? Brand-building? Soap boxing? How about Pure Joy? I'm going to Google that ... (2 mins later)... Hm, very, very little comes up in the search "Blogging for Pure Joy."

In English class, they called it "voice." What "voice" is the "piece" written in? Who's talking? Who is the voice talking TO? .... which leads to "...will anyone listen?" What if they won't? Will I care? Can I take my own mental commentary about how that potentially reflects my worth as a human being? I could lock it down, and write only FOR ME. Abe says do things just for the joy of it.

And so I turn my attention beyond my own thoughts and ASK (...and it is given, ha ha)

J. But what to write about?
A. "Whatever I want."
J. But where to put it?
A. Out there.
J. But what's the Bucket?
J. But .... but ....
A."You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step." (the quote is read in The Secret)
J. I don't feel qualified.
A. To be you?
J. No, to post it on the internet.
A. Idiots post to the internet, don't sweat it.
J. But what if they SEE me?
A. Right. What if they SEE you and your decades of thinking / processing / functioning OUT OF THE BOX and why things go so well for you... You say your son is a social experiment in raising a human being by simply doing one's best to get out of it's way, while keeping it safe from harm and modeling how to get along here on Earth. BUT WHAT ABOUT YOU? YOU'RE THE PREQUEL (sequel... prequel...)
J. Nailed.
J. OK but I get tired of my own wordiness sometimes. I enjoy the pouring out of it all, but it becomes tedious to sift back through it. Certainly if I do, others will too.
A. What do you enjoy? (about reading my own writing)
J. The Clarity. The timing, the wit. The keen observations - ooh that's cliche - the sharp focus on something not previously distinguished that way.
A. So... the Clarity. The Clarity of something that came into focus in a way that only you have expressed quite like it ever before.
J. Nailed. I HEAR the value.
A. Yup.

J. So DefensiveDressing.com is a good place for this?
A. Well sure... your favorite paleo recipe girl Mel posts paleo-world famous stuff to something called, "The Clothes Make the Girl"
J. Hm. Right-o.
A. Don't overthink it.

J. So what do I post? I "hid" the previous ones, except how the blog was born.
A. This.